Rockwool Mattresses

ROCKWOOL Mattresses are flexible rock fiber mattresses, stitched with wire mesh and manufactured from stable rock fibers bonded with a minimum quantity of thermosetting resin binder. ROCKWOOL Mattresses are light weight, strong, resilient, easy to handle and cut to suit intricate shapes.

ROCKWOOL Mattresses are available with a galvanized steel or stainless steel hexagonal wire netting (mesh) on one or two sides.
Up to 750 °C

ROCKWOOL Mattresses are non-combustible when tested in accordance with IS 3144, BS 476 (part 4), ISO 1182 and ASTM E136 and have the following fire safety rating achievements:

  • Class I surface spread of flame in accordance to BS 476 (part 7)
  • Class 0 in accordance to the BS 476 (part 6 & 7) and to British Building Regulations
  • Class A1 in accordance with European norms
  • Show loss in total mass less than 5% when tested in accordance to IS 3144
  • Surface burning characteristics in accordance to ASTM E84
    a: Fire Spread Index: Less than 25
    b: Smoke Developed Index: Less than 50